FIDIC’s stellar pilot programme concludes in China
After running for over a decade, the FCCE Pilot Programme is on course to successfully complete this chapter later this year. Lessons learnt over the ten years have of working to develop and implement a comprehensive higher-learning platform have been innumerable, including the importance of building partnerships and expanding knowledge sh that spanned over a broad range of disciplines.
A graduation ceremony is scheduled to take place in Beijing, China later in the year during which the FCCE graduands will receive their certificates at the official ceremony. This programme which began in 2010 will now give way to a new and more updated version of the FCCE programme which will commence in China from early 2021.
This programme has been heralded as a success, not only because it is the first of its kind in the world but also the only one to be endorsed by the State Council of China. This confirms the recognition of the FIDIC brand, as well as the FIDIC “Body of Knowledge” which are key ingredients in understanding international best practice for consulting engineers.
To build further on this important progress made and to better assure the continuing success of this programme, an office has been established in Beijing, China. By providing learning platforms, conferences services and fostering regional partnerships, FIDIC Consulting Services (Beijing) Limited office will provide critical support to FIDIC’s business engagement in China, as well as in Asia as a whole.